The Sisters (James Joyce)
Title: <The Sisters>
Author: James Joyce
Rating: 7.5 / 10
While reading <The Sisters>, I thought the whole story was paralyzed.
First of all, the story suggests there were some problems with Father Flynn, but it did not show what happened in the past. It is just stopped, paralyzed in the present. It is suspicious that he did something wrong, but the only thing readers can do is guess.
Second, the characters are paralyzed. Eliza said that there was something queer about Father Flynn, but she did not try to find out what was strange. The boy’s aunt also heard the strangeness of Father Flynn from Eliza, but she did not suggest any suspicion about him.
Lastly, I think the church in the story is paralyzed. We can know that there was some problem with Father Flynn, but nobody tries to know the truth. All of the truth about what he did is in a veil, and after his death, he is still praised as a priest although he had probably done a sin.
I think the author wanted to show the paralysis of Irish society, especially Irish Catholic society. Since this is the first story in <Dubliners>, he wanted to present the theme of <Dubliners>, 'the paralysis of Dubliners'. (200 words)
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